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Showing posts from October, 2009

The Blenheim campagn and the Duke of Marlborough

The Blenheim campaign was one of greatest feats of arms in British military history. Acting entirely on his own initiative, Marlborough marched his entire army 250 miles, down from Flanders and into Bavaria. It was an astonishing tour de force and a masterpiece of logistical planning, particularly given the international nature of his force. Of sixty-five battalions of infantry and one hundred and sixty squadrons of cavalry, only fourteen and nineteen, respectively were British. Marlborough today tends to be overshadowed by Wellington, but properly considered his true importance becomes clear.  Marlborough's victory at Blenheim delivered a body blow to Louis XIV whose army had reigned effectively unbeaten in any major battle for fifty years. At a single stoke Marlborough save the Austrian Empire and drove the French onto the defensive. In real terms the allies killed or captured 40,000 French and Bavarian troops along with 1,150 officers, 50 cannon and 128 infantry colours. The all

Amos is so dehydrated that he cannot even produce tears

"Amos had been ill for a week and his grandmother didn't know what was wrong or how to treat him. By the time they arrived, Amos's condition had deteriorated to the point where he was very weak and lifeless. His body was so dehydrated he couldn't even cry. Catherine decided to walk to Mkomaindo with Amos, a long hot journey of more than nine miles. Amos's symptoms alerted doctors to the fact that he was suffering acute dehydration. At the time Catherine was distraught, obviously concerned that her grandson might die. But Amos was prescribed Oral Rehydration Therapy. He spent two days taking Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS), a mixture of sugar, salt and water - administered every two hours which enabled his body to absorb water. Thanks to Oral Rehydration Therapy, Amos improved dramatically and was on the road to making a full recovery." This is UNICEF story .  Amos is dehydrated from diarrhoea.  According the data from World Health Report 2005,  dehydrati

Green shoots of recovery

There has been plenty of negative press over the past year, particularly aimed at the housing market. However, though we hesitate to use the phrase "green shoots of recovery", homebuyers are definitely sensing a rejuvenation of the market and prices are inching up, suggesting now is a good time to buy before the recovery really gathers pace. So the futures looking bright for home buyers, maybe it is the right time to buy.

How to reduce your chance of becoming a victim of crime?

How to reduce your chance of becoming a victim or a repeat victim of crime? There is a Chinese saying, 'not afraid of ten thousand, but only afraid of that one in ten thousand', which means if there is a 1 in 10,000 chance that something will happen, it's not the 9999 that one need fear, but that single 1 that one should fear, because that single one could cause great damage to you. To close and lock doors and windows looks so unnecessary that you are just going out for a very short time. But what would you do if that 1 (in 10,000 chance) actually happens? So please always ensure: When you are in that you shut and lock your doors Close and lock all windows in unoccupied rooms When going out always lock the door and close the windows - even if your are just going out for a short time. Window locks will help stop people getting in ( a burglar is less likely to break in if they have to smash a window) Use timers for lights and radios if you are going to be out for th


From the 1670s, Grenadiers were the elite troops of the British army. The term "grenadier" is derived from the fact that these troops originally hurled iron or porcelain grenades into enemy positions.They were instantly recognizable by their headgear: a tall, mitre cap, like a bishop's headdress, designed to allow them to hurl the small grenades they carried in their packs. Such a hat was more suited to crowd-pleasing on the parade ground of Whitehall than the chaos and filth of a battlefield but the men wore it with pride.

Shyness is a kind of protective mechanism

Your child's shyness might let you down when you try to show off. But in many situations and at certain ages such shyness can be a protective mechanism, when she faces strangers. Some children will try to stay close to their mum or even hide behind her. This is a perfectly healthy and natural protective behaviour.