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Showing posts from June, 2010


Cangue the European name for the Chinese tcha, Kia or Kea, which is an instrument of punishment formerly used in China for petty criminals, similar as a portable pillory; consists of a heavy wooden collar enclosing the neck and arms. The board of the cangue was not fixed to a base, and had to be carried around by the prisoner. The word "cangue" or Cang, is French, from the Portuguese "canga," which means yoke, In contemporary Standard Mandarin Chinese it is called a 木枷 "mù jīa", or a 枷鎖 "jiā suǒ".


Veriegation in plants, usually to be found in foliage, provides an element of variety within the garden and is popular with dardeners very often as a means of brightening some otherwise gloomy or dar corner. Brought about by a chlorophyll deficiency in the main, variegated plants have in recent times been avidly collected by enthusiasts. If there is any danger in this, then it lies in over-planting. Much greater harmony over overall will be found where plants with variegation are used sparingly, perhaps singly, or as part of a carefully thougt out, colour-themed border. All combinations are inclined from time to time to revert to plain green. Where individual leaves, or even whole stems or branches, do revert, then these should be cut out immediately they are first spotted.

below or bellow?

I can't believe it, I have been mixing up these two words, and no spelling checker can mark out the mistake: At a later place, I may write "See bellow", and even sometimes 'in or to a place that is lower', I will use "bellow", too. When I type the double 'll', I look at the word, hesitate, and wonder that 'below' and 'bellow' are same words, just one is American English, another is British English. "Ah, never mind!" I said to myself.