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Showing posts from February, 2011

Peach or grass

It's quite interesting of two words, grass and peach, their origin and different usages: Peach Chang Kuo-an and of his confederates (also military officers) for conspiring to defraud by means of forged seals, and states the penalty the law indicates. They stole blank paper used for writing orders from superior to inferior official on, and two official envelopes, and set to work again. When everything was ready, one of the number lost heart and '' peached ." (Peking Gazzete Nov. 1873) Peach: verb [ intrans. ] ( peach on) informal inform on: the other members of the gang would not hesitate to peach on him if it would serve their purpose. ORIGIN late Middle English : shortening of archaic appeach, from Old French empechier ‘impede’. Grass 1 [Noun] Brit., informal a police informer. [ORIGIN: perhaps related to the 19th-cent. rhyming slang grasshopper [copper: a police officer.] ] 2 [ intrans. ] Brit., informal inform the police of criminal activity or pla
Too much knowledge is a dangerous thing. ---- Cathy Macphail, Grass You don't grass on your friends...

Bound Morpheme

In english, all roots are free morphemes except the 2nd feature of the following: certain retain detain receive conceive deceive confer refer defer The second elements of these words, what comes after the prefix, are not free morphemes. "Tain", "ceive", "fer" are not meaningful words by themselves, so aren't "free" morphemes. So, though they are the roots of the words given, they aren't free resembling most roots. So, even though MOST roots are free morphemes, some of them aren't. Some roots aren't words on their own. On a practical rank, if this is preparation for an exam, it may be a good concept to memorize the list of words above as they may be asked of you. If rote memorization is an issue for you, try a trick: I am CERTAIN they will RETAIN the DETAINee. I will RECEIVE the opinion you CONCEIVE, just don't DECEIVE me. I did CONFER near my lawyer who have me REFER to DEFERral.

Coat-of-arms of Glasgow City

The shield was decorated with the bird, the tree, the fish and the bell. Two fishes with a ring in its mouth are standing at both sides as supporters. On the crest is Glasgow's patron saint Mungo or Kentigern. An old rhyme depicted this mysterious emblems: This is the bird that never flew This is the tree that never grew this is the fish that never swam This is the bell that never rang The bird commemorates St Serf's tame robin, accidentally killed by some of his young disciples who, being envious of Mungo, their master's favourite, hoped to get him into trouble by blaming him. Mungo took the dead bird in his hands and prayed over it. Restored to life it flew chirping to its master. The tree, an oak, began its life legendary life as a few hazel twigs. As a boy in the monastery Mungo fell asleep while left in charge of the holy fire in the refectory. Again, trying to get Mungo into trouble, his companions put out the fire. However, when Mungo awoke and saw what had