£ - pound; gold coin, also called sovereign. (The capital L or £ came from the Latin word 'libra' meaning a pound weight.) A pound was worth 20 shillings or 240 pence.
S - shilling; silver coin worth 12 pence.
d - penny; copper coin. (The d was the initial letter of 'denarius', a small coin in Roman times).
_ - Halfpenny; small copper coin.
_ - farthing; very small, worth a quarter of penny.
Gn - guinea; gold coin worth 21 shillings.
S - shilling; silver coin worth 12 pence.
d - penny; copper coin. (The d was the initial letter of 'denarius', a small coin in Roman times).
_ - Halfpenny; small copper coin.
_ - farthing; very small, worth a quarter of penny.
Gn - guinea; gold coin worth 21 shillings.

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